Yorkminster Park Gallery

Laura Culic


April 6 - April 30, 2014 - Artist Reception Sun, April 6, 12:30-2:00pm

Yorkminster Park Gallery is excited and pleased to introduce our first exhibition of encaustic paintings. LAURA CULIC uses pigments mixed with hot wax (encaustic) to create her luminous landscapes.

Layers of wax are alternately built up and scraped away in an intuitive process of concealing and revealing. Within the many layers of scored and scratched wax Culic suggests elements of nature, strata of rock, hints of mosses and lichens, sunlight, and reflections on water. Over time, the surface of a painting accumulates character, acquires a unique history and develops a presence. In this way, each of Laura Culic's paintings becomes an environment unto itself.

Culic paints full-time in her Toronto studio. She describes her work as "a response to my deep and abiding love of the natural world in Ontario." To nurture her restless spirit and to refresh her inspiration, the artist takes long motorcycle trips, camps with her children, paddles and hikes.

YPBC's Art Committee has chosen Laura Culic to talk about her work on Sunday April 13, 9:30-10:30am in the Gladstone library. ‘ART SPEAKS' is a series of public conversations held between a featured artist and John Franklin, arts philosopher. After a brief interview the floor is opened for discussion. This is a great chance to ask your questions about art.

Art Speaks - April 13, 9:45am

A public conversation between artist Laura Culic and IMAGO Director, John Franklin. There will be a time for questions from the audience.


May is the month of ‘CONTACT,' Toronto's city-wide display of photography. Our participating artist is Dr. Peter Alberti, father of YPBC member Andrew Alberti. After retirement, Dr. Alberti took his medical skills and his camera into the Eastern world. His exhibition with our gallery is titled Aspects of Asia and is an exquisite sample of the wealth of stories he encountered.

June through mid-August photography continues in the gallery. YPBC members, adherents, and friends are invited to submit two images to a juried group show, PHOTOGRAPHY 2014. Details are available on entry forms in the gallery, the narthex or through the church office.

Click here to view the work of Laura Culic.

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Gallery Hours
Sunday: 10:00am - 11:00am
Sunday: 12:15pm - 1:00pm
Saturday: Noon - 3:00pm