YPBC Women
As women with a passion for serving God, we are a caring community who strive to be faithful, creative and accepting.
For such a time as this we endeavor to:
- Invite and welcome all women into our community
- Encourage women to discover their full potential in Christ
- Motivate, minister, mentor and befriend
- Live and serve under the influence and empowerment of God’s Spirit.
Who are we?
We support the ministry of the Church by:
- Welcoming you as you come to worship each Sunday
- Encouraging our Church family through cards, calls, and mailings
- Working with Pastoral Care in delivering flowers to shut-ins each week
- Supporting church school children through camp sponsorships and prayer
- Providing sanctuary flowers and special displays
- Keeping our kitchens supplied and functioning
- Serving on Boards and Committees to ensure we are fulfilling our Vision as a Church
We support each other through fellowship at:
- Weekly meetings of the Prayer and Bible Study Group and Dorcas group
- Women in Community meetings held several times in the year
- Special events to encourage and inform one another
We support the wider Christian community by:
- Providing support to the work of Baptist Women of Ontario and Quebec and their ministries at home and abroad
- Promoting the Baptist Women's magazine, “live”, filled with articles helping us to grow spiritually
- Providing the sewed and knitted garments made by the Dorcas Group to Toronto missions and charities
You may participate in these important ministries by:
- Praying with and for us as we seek to meet the spiritual needs of the women of Yorkminster Park
- Attending the many events designed with you in mind
- Serving with us in providing help with deliveries, preparing for events
- Knitting with the Dorcas group
- Contributing financially so that the work of Baptist Women will prosper at home and abroad
Women’s Groups
- Dorcas meets every Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. for knitting and crocheting.
- Women in Community meets several times a year for fellowship and discussion. Meeting dates and times are announced in the Sunday calendar and in News and Events.
- Tuesday Morning Bible Study meets at 10:00 a.m. for prayer and Bible study.
- Prayer Shawl Ministry meets monthly (summer excepted)
Yearly Women’s Events
- Fall Thankoffering
- Baptist Womens’ Sunday
- Annual Women's Retreat
- Thanksgiving and Palm Sunday Luncheons
For more information on any of our groups or activities contact the church office at (416) 922-1167 or by email.