Church Life and Sacraments

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted ... Ecclesiastes 3:1-22

The Sacrament of Holy Communion

The Sacrament of Holy Communion is held on the first Sunday of every month from September to June in the morning service, and the third Sunday in the evening service. Special communion services are conducted at Christmas and Easter. The Communion is open to Christians of all denominations.

The Sacrament of Holy Baptism

The Sacrament of Holy Baptism is conducted three to four times a year. It is administered to candidates who have professed their personal faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour and have completed Discipleship classes conducted by the ministers of the church.

New Members

New members are formally welcomed into the church on the first Sunday of the month during Communion service. New member luncheons are held regularly. Any person acknowledging and agreeing to the Church Covenant may be considered as an applicant for membership through: baptism; letter of transfer from another Baptist church and has made a confirmation or profession of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.

Dedication of Children and Parents

Dedication of Children and Parents is a presentation of newborn children to God, and the dedication of parents to Christian parenthood. These services are held the first Sunday before Christmas, on Mother’s Day Sunday, and as required throughout the year.

Funerals and Memorial Services

We regard it as a sacred privilege to offer the facilities of our church and the services of our staff to the bereaved for the purposes of honouring the memory of the deceased and offering a Christian service of final farewell. This rite of passage is called a funeral if the body is present, or a memorial service if the body is not present. Either form of service is appropriate. For more information, please contact the church office at 416-922-1167 ext 221.


We are pleased to offer the use of our facilities and personnel for those planning to enter into a Christian marriage. A Christian marriage is a monogamous relationship entered into by a man and a woman for life by pledging themselves to God and each other in a Christian wedding ceremony. A Christian wedding is a joyous celebration of love, wherein the couple should come soberly into the presence of God seeking God’s blessing and wisdom for their marriage. At the wedding, a couple enters into a sacred covenant with God and each other through the vows they pledge and the prayers that are offered. All components of the service must therefore appropriately reflect the joyful Christian nature of the occasion.

All weddings in the church are to be conducted under the leadership of a member of our ministerial team. For further inquiries and to book for initial arrangements, please contact the church office at 416-922-1167 ext 221 or by email.

Tape and Book Ministry

All services of worship are recorded on CDs whcih may be borrowed or purchased from the tape Desk in the narthex immediately following the morning and evening services. Two books of noteworthy sermons, “Living Letters” and “Moving Words” are also available for sale.

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