Yorkminster Park Gallery

Elizabeth Myles Elliott


Yorkminster Park Gallery - the first 5 years (2007-2012)
Opening reception Sunday, November 18, 12:30 -2:00 pm

Including work from each of the 37 artists featured since the gallery opened in September 2007.

In chronological order: Elizabeth Myles Elliott, King Wong, Margaret Glew, Douglas Elliott, Lila Lewis Irving, Karl Griffiths-Fulton, Paul Roorda, Janet Read, Judith Raymer Ivkoff, Douglas Brown, Douglas Purdon, James Ridyard, Jacqueline Treloar, Rose Hirano, Nancy Falconer, Randall Speller, Dorothy Mould, Carol Westcott, Henry Regehr, Les Tibbles, Nancy Oakes, Judith Livingston, Paul Osadchuk, James MacDougall, Tracey Lawko, Shuna Heeney, Doreen Renner, Anthony J. Batten, Lois Dierlam, Howard C. Dierlam, Robin Laws Field, Esther Lovrics, Joan Burdette Ness, Jane LowBeer, Graham French, Anne Renouf, Linda Kemp.

Click here to view the First Five Years 2012.

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Gallery Hours
Sunday: 10:00am - 11:00am
Sunday: 12:15pm - 1:00pm
Saturday: Noon - 3:00pm