Black History Month YP | 2024

February is Black History Month in Canada, and we look forward to celebrating with an inspiring program of special worship services and events.

Each Sunday in February, the Yorkminster Park choir and carillonneur will present choral and instrumental pieces by Samuel Coleridge-TaylorFlorence PriceDr. David Hurd and spirituals as arranged by Dvorak, Copland and Shephard. 

We are pleased to welcome several special guests to our Sunday morning worship services. February 11 at 11:00 a.m., we are honoured to present Harriet Thornhill, Chancellor of Tyndale University as our keynote speaker. Juno award nominated, Singer/Songwriter, Julian Taylor, will be our musical guest. Sunday, February 18, 11:00 a.m., The Rev. Dr. Jerome J. Washington, Pastor, Mt. Vernon Baptist Church, Durham, NC, will return to the Yorkminster Park pulpit as our guest preacher.

We are also excited about our BHM Wednesday Evening Presentation line-up. All of the sessions are online only and begin at 7:00 p.m. We encourage you register in advance for our Wednesday sessions. >

This year due to an early Lenten season, the first presentation will be January 31. Winston LaRose, Community Activist (aka "Mr. Jane & Finch") will be joining us. From Caribana to the Pan Am Games, from Black Creek Community Farm to the Daimler Chrysler Hip Hop Summit, Winston LaRose has been at the table advocating for due recognition for Black experiences.

On February 7, we welcome Paula de Ronde, author, caregiver, librarian, and advocate for Eldercare and Long-Term Care reform. Paula has been involved in cultural, artistic and community development activities where she has contributed her talents, time, and resources.

And, on February 14, fine artist, Tony Kenneth Miller will discuss his work, his family history and the communities in Ontario that are depicted in his art. Tony's paintings will be on display at the Yorkminster Park Gallery from February 3th to March 29th.

Shrove Tuesday, February 13 at 5:00 p.m
Musical guest, Jelani Watson, Saxophonist will play a selection of hymns and spirituals.

Family Ministries will be holding special activities and events throughout the month both in person and during their online gatherings, including a cooking class, games, and activities. The Family Ministry Band will also provide music during morning worship on February 18th. For more information contact Heather Mackey.


BHM Wednesday Evening Presentations
Wednesday Evenings, 7:00 p.m. Online Only | Zoom - REGISTER TODAY >
Join us for a series of three exciting presentations.
January 31: Winston LaRose
February 7: Paula de Ronde
February 14: Tony Miller

Worship Service | Sunday, February 11, 11:00 a.m.
Keynote Speaker: Harriet Thornhill
Musical guest: Julian Taylor, Singer/Songwriter
The Rev. Dr. Peter Holmes preaching

Pastor's Pancake Supper | February 13, 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Five-Star Pancakes prepared by our Ministry team!
Musical guest: Jelani Watson, Saxophonist
• Themed Lenten Activity Sheets
• Displays and treats

Worship Service | Sunday, February 18, 11:00 a.m.
Guest Preacher: The Rev. Dr. Jerome J. Washington
Music: Family Ministries Band accompanied by Winston Davis

Family Ministries Special Activities and Events throughout the month:
• Recipe sharing
• Games and activities

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