Visitors to YPBC

We are delighted that you have joined us!
Here is some information which we hope will be helpful to you.

When are Worship Services?
Our Sunday morning service is at 11 a.m. and the evening service is at 7 p.m. At special times during the Christian calendar the evening service may be at 4:30 pm. and these will be clearly posted on the Home Page and Preaching Schedule. Services last approximately one hour. 

How do I get to the church?

By public transit: We are conveniently located one block north of the St Clair subway station on the Yonge Line, at 1585 Yonge St on the northeast corner of Yonge St and Heath. (The subway starts running at 9 am. St Clair has street car service and buses run on Yonge St.) View a Google Map.

By car: Church parking is on the north side of the building accessed off Glen Elm Ave and public parking is available at two Green P parking lots on either side of Yonge Street, south of the church. Your parking ticket can be validated at the Information Desk in the Church Lobby/Narthex for FREE Sunday morning parking. Don't forget to have your ticket stamped.

You can enter the church building through the main doors on Yonge St. or through the Yorkminster Park Centre doors closer to the parking lot. There are Greeters at both locations to assist you.

Is the church accesible?
Yes. You can enter the church via the ramp in the front and side entrances with elevator access to upper floors. A limited number of large-print Bibles and calendars are available for use in worship. If you would like one, please ask an usher. Hearing assistance is also available. Please speak with our volunteer at the Welcome Table in the Narthex. 

What is the style of worship?
Both the morning and evening sanctuary services are traditional, and each is accompanied by our Senior Choir. The Minster Singers perform monthly. Services of worship include Bible readings, prayers, choir anthems, congregational hymn singing and a sermon/homily. Bibles and hymnbooks are provided. A free will offering is an act of worship at Yorkminster Park. The sacrament of Holy Communion is conducted during the worship service on the first Sunday of every month in our morning service, and the third Sunday of every month in the evening and is open to Christians of all denominations. The evening service has a more intimate feel, and once monthly is in the form of an Iona liturgy. Four times per year, the evening service is a Choral Evensong. There is no dress code for any of our worship services. 

Our morning service is webcast. This will give you a clear understanding of how we worship at Yorkminster Park. 

Doxa, our youth service, is contemporary in music and liturgy and is open to all. Doxa is held in the Cameron Hall every week except for the fourth Sunday of the month. The youth attend the 11a.m. service and leave after the children's prayer time.

Are children welcome in worship?
Children are integral to our worship, and our life as a congregation! Large and small group lessons and activities are provided during the morning worship for children up to Grade 5. Children attend the 11 a.m. service and gather for a prayer before joining their classes.

Is childcare available ?
The church nursery for newborns to two years old is open from 10:50 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and is located on the lower level of the Yorkminster Park Centre at the north end. We also offer a paging system for our parents. Upon leaving your child in the nursery you receive a pager. In the event your child needs you for any reason our childcare worker will page you to the nursery. This allows our parents to worship with confidence that their children are happy and well cared for.

Are there Bible studies available for adults?
Sunday mornings at 10 a.m. there are a variety of classes for Bible study and for those interested in exploring Church membership and the Baptist faith distinctives. There are also a number of weekday and evening Bible studies and Life groups available.

Are there opportunities to meet fellow church goers after the service?
There is always time for fellowship immediately after our morning worship. Coffee and sweets are offered in the Narthex of the church and all are welcome. Periodically, receptions are held in the Friendship Room or Art Gallery in the Yorkminster Park Centre, to which all are most welcome.

How can I keep in touch?
The morning service is webcast live and archived on our website. All morning and evening worship services are recorded on CDs, which may be obtained from the Audio Desk in the Narthex. Peter's Blog offers words of inspiration from our senior minister, and our quarterly Newsletter is published online and in print. You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter @YorkmkinsterPark.

If you wish to know more about Yorkminster Park or if you have questions about baptisms, weddings, membership, or any other need we can respond to, please email the Church Office or call 416-922-1167


New to Yorkminster Park?
At Yorkminster Park we want every person who walks through the doors to feel at home and to know that you are welcome here. 

We recognize that you may have some questions about faith in God, baptism, membership, who we are as a church, why we're here, and why we do the things we do. So every few months we offer a series of informal gatherings to explain ourselves and to answer any questions you may have. 

The topics include: 
Christian Faith, what is a Baptist, who is Yorkminster Park, Christian Spirituality, Baptism and Lord's Supper (Eucharist)

If you're interested in becoming a member you may join Yorkminster Park Baptist Church one of three ways:

1. By Baptism
When anyone is baptized at Yorkminster Park they are baptized into the family of Christ and into the membership of the church.

2. By Letter of Transfer from another church.

3. On the basis of Christian experience
Members of other Christian traditions can come into membership based on their confirmation or profession of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.

Feel free to email Robyn with any questions you may have about the class or to let us know you're interested. 

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YPBC is a busy congregation. There is something for everyone, not only on Sundays, but throughout the week. 

Check out our general brochure for highlights of our activities. All are welcome.

Whether you are young or old, a lifelong believer or a new Christian, from a different culture or tradition,or if you have never been in a church before, you will find Yorkminster Park to be a welcoming and stimulating environment. We are on this journey together. We invite you to come along with us.