A Prayer for the World in Disrupting and Confusing Times

A Prayer for the World in Disrupting and Confusing Times

Gracious God, you are the source of all wisdom and strength, power and glory.  Your ways are higher than our ways and beyond our comprehension, yet in Christ, you dwelt among us full of grace and truth.   As we seek and celebrate the peace of your presence, free us from all fear.

Dear God, in this prodigal world of countless half-truths and wild conspiracies, of pointed fingers and dangerous dreams, bring us back to our senses, and free us from the sloth and the slime, the madness and the crime,  that have our minds and hearts out of tune and quickly running out of time.  Blur the endless broadcasting of the bad that we might see the good and aim even higher.  Hold up the truth and silence those who against it conspire.  Renew the fire of compassion towards those living on the margins economically and emotionally and those who are falling through the cracks.  Bless our leaders with wisdom from on high and unite us as a people in our support and service of one another for the common good. Strengthen us all by your Spirit that we might shine your light in this world.

These things we pray in the name of Jesus Christ, the Risen One, who came for the good of us all and calls us now to stand tall, for truth and righteousness, for love and liberty.
