Fraser Fell 1928 – 2020

We were saddened to learn that Fraser Fell died yesterday.   Fraser was a giant and left a remarkable legacy in our church through his leadership and generosity, and in our community through both his business acumen and his philanthropic heart.  Though there is a hospital wing named after Fraser and many things we can point to in the church as evidence of his goodness and generosity, his greatest legacy is his family.  His partnership with his late wife Margot was an example and inspiration to us all.  His children David, Susan, Leslie, Martha and Mark and their families were always the source of great pride and joy for Fraser and Margot.  Throughout his life, but especially in these final months, they have all surrounded him with love and care.  There is so much to be thankful for in the midst of this loss.

Dale Rose and I had the privilege of sharing Communion with Fraser just before the home where he lived went into lockdown and since that time we have taken turns checking in on him by phone.  To the end, Fraser loved Yorkminster Park and was always a source of encouragement to his ministers and wisdom to the lay leadership.  Fraser always looked for the good in others and was so quick to express appreciation and many a blessing flowed from his grateful heart.  We can’t help but give thanks to God for Fraser.

There is more than one line in Rudyard Kipling’s poem, If, which makes me think of Fraser, but perhaps especially this line.   “If you can walk with Kings, nor lose the common touch.”  Everyone mattered to Fraser and oh how he mattered to us.  News of his loss will sadden people near and far, but let us remember in this season of Easter that death does not have the last word.  Christ has risen and conquered the grave and death.  Fraser is safe in the arms of Jesus, freed from the frailty of these final months, reunited with Margot and home with the God he loved and served so well. Thanks be to God for this good and faithful servant and for the hope we share in Jesus Christ.

A public memorial will be held at the church on a date to be announced.  Arrangements are through the Morley Bedford Funeral Home and condolences can be left on their website.  Let us continue to keep Fraser’s family in our prayers.

In Christ,

Peter Holmes.