Monthly Archives: November 2021


A Prayer for British Columbia in response to the avalanches and flooding of November 2021

Almighty and merciful Father, on the third day of Creation you separated the waters from the dry land and brought forth vegetation from the earth and saw that it was all good, but in recent days the waters have returned to cover so much of the land in British Columbia and it is not good.  And so we pray for our neighbours and friends who have become the victims of destructive avalanches and flood waters, swamping their farmland, washing away homes and stranding whole communities.  Highways across the province are damaged and closed and so much that was saved from the summer fires has now been washed away and it is not good.

But we know it is not from you, for you are the source of every good and perfect gift and so we call upon you to intervene in your goodness on behalf of those still stranded and those working long days to carefully remove debris and restore the broken bridges and washed out roads.

We confess that for too long we have taken the blessings of a stable climate for granted spreading our carbon footprint beyond our place. And now as the waters rise and supplies run dry we pray for your help for our neighbours and friends.  We claim your rainbow promise of old to spare the globe of the curse of flood.  Separate again the waters from the dry land in that beautiful corner of creation.  May all who are stranded and afraid sense your presence and know your love.  Make new in their hearts the wonder of your promise of old:

When you pass through the waters,
I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
you will not be burned;
the flames will not set you ablaze.

We thank you for the early signs of hope made manifest in rescue and relief and in the countless deeds of good neighbours. May these signs prevail and the reign of hope part the clouds and make the rains to cease upon the land in these days.   These things we pray in the name of Jesus Christ who submitted to baptism beneath the waters of the Jordan as a sign that he would share in our suffering and death so that we might rise up with him to new life.  Send forth again the sign of the dove and fill us all with you Spirit that goodness might prevail upon the land and sea, in the name of One God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  Amen.

A Poem for Dave and Jim by John Fenton

Since the outset of the pandemic, Dave King and Jim Weir have faithfully opened a window on line Sunday after Sunday to bring our worship services to our congregation and online following.  It has been a life line for many and we are grateful to them and thank God for keeping them healthy throughout the pandemic.  One of our members, John Fenton, has been inspiring us in recent years with his poetry.  Last week he penned the following poem in appreciation of the service offered by Dave and Jim.
Thank you John!
No 210
Web Cast
Utterly vast
In it’s reach
Like overseas
This poem is dedicated
To two guys
Who faithfully serve
Every week
The services of YP
Establishment of this hi-tech tool
Was stressed
A long time ago
By dedicated men
The future they could see
Sadly they are no longer here
We are the beneficiary
Of this amazing 😉 gift
To all who may be shut in
Yes I’m one of them
Keeping connected
Is so important
For me web cast is golden
Thanks David & Jim
Your dedication
Brings so much satisfaction
To the wider congregation
John Fenton