Worship Schedule

December 2016

11:00 am
Rev. Dr. Peter Holmes
Sacrament of Communion
7:00 pm
Rev. Dr. Peter Holmes
An Iona Liturgy
11:00 am
Rev. Dr. Peter Holmes
White Gift Sunday
4:30 pm
Carols by Candlelight
11:00 am
Rev. Dr. Peter Holmes
Children's Nativity
4:30 pm
Rev. Dr. Peter Holmes
Festival of Nine Lessons & Carols
11:00 pm
Rev. Dr. Peter Holmes
Christmas Eve Candlelight
11:00 am
Rev. Dr. Peter Holmes
Sacrement of Communion There will be no evening service
11:15 pm

Watchnight Service
A watchnight service is a late-night Christian church service. It is held late on New Year's Eve, and ends after midnight. This provides the opportunity for Christians to review the year that has passed and make confession, and then prepare for the year ahead by making new commitments. There is a deep sense of blessing for many that they have begun a new year with their sisters and brothers of the Christian family in God's house.

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